Here's how charities can grow their unrestricted income - reliably, week in, week out

Learn the latest way to secure your future and bring queues of excited donors to your doors through Values-Driven Fundraising.

Get the Giving Code book now >>


Are you part of a non-profit and want to…

  • Help more beneficiaries;
  • Grow your work;
  • Pay your staff what they are worth; 
  • Delegate the admin work that’s keeping you from working on the actual strategy;
  • Put down the hose because you’ve finally put out all those fires that keep erupting…
  • and at last, get on to the stuff that really matters to you?

If so, you’re not alone. A lot of non-profits have the same worries and issues. These seem hard to fix but it can be done when you understand the importance of donor values.

Uncovering your donors' values is the secret to...

No more chugging, no more rattling tins in the street, no more huge drops in income, no more tumbleweed in response to your appeals!

A lot of non-profits start off this way… just like my client - I’ll call them Build the South. 

Two years ago, their list of regular givers was shrinking weekly. Their total supporter numbers were static at 17,639. Their board had given them an ultimatum - turn things around or they would wind up the organisation. The directors knew they had to do something, and fast…

Most of the folks on their list were people who had made a purchase on a sister site, the Black Dollar. This sold fairly traded goods. The Black Dollar would ask customers if they wanted to make a small donation to Build the South. If their customer said yes, they joined the Build the South mailing list. As a result, Build the South knew next to nothing about these fresh donors.

They came to me and asked if I could help. We worked together to uncover the values and motivations of the people on their list. This helped them to avoid mistakes that they had made before with list growth and fundraising. 

The results of Values-Driven Fundraising: 2x income from individual giving 

At the time of writing this, their list has nearly doubled in size to 34,630. Their income from individual giving is up from $1,382,134 in 2019-20 to $2,380,343 in 2020-21. 

Here is a quote from their Head of Communications:

"Everything's exploded since the team started working with you. We've gone from net loss of donors to net gain. We've recruited loads of new people and got lots of campaign actions…"

The difference?

I helped them by using what I call the ‘Values-Driven Fundraising System’.

This is a system that helps non-profits to:

  • Discover the values and motivations of your top tier donors;
  • Motivate more people like them to give you their contact details;
  • Build trust with these new supporters, and
  • Create compulsive giving habits that last a lifetime.

In a moment, I’ll share with you how you can do the same.

This system gives you a sort of “magic tap”, out of which flows new donors. You can turn this tap on when you need to grow your unrestricted income. And turn it off if you get overwhelmed. (Imagine being so successful that you need to stop your outreach because there are too many people!)

Proof that Values-Driven Fundraising really works:

"Honestly, there was so much good advice that I haven't been able to test all of it. But the stuff I have been testing has been working great... We are still getting back 75% of the money we have spent within 10 days in fundraisers... Those things have been game-changers."

Christian Bock
Sum of Us

"Rachel was fantastic at helping us to put rocket boosters under our individual giving programme. She was insightful, fun and experienced. We noticed an immediate difference in our donations and broader supporter engagement. She really got what we were trying to do and cared deeply about the cause."

Robert Palmer
Tax Justice UK

"Thank you Rachel, for all your support. You've contributed a lot to this project. I enjoyed and learned a lot from the programme. All the sessions were really good and insightful. It's extraordinary that now we have a clear vision of who our supporters are"

Bishara Mohamud
Anti-Tribalism Movement

Successful collaborations include:


I have to tell you; results like this are atypical in this sector. My clients achieve an average growth in income from individual giving of 202.8%. 

I’ve put all my methods together in a new book called ‘The Giving Code’. In it, I show you how to ‘put rocket boosters’ under your fundraising (that’s a direct quote from my client, as you can see).

Get the complete guide on doubling your unrestricted income within one year by using the Values-Driven Fundraising System.

This book helps you uncover the hidden reasons why people give. Your donors may not even know these reasons themselves. And when you know these, finding more donors like them is much easier. 

It will be like turning on your garden lights on a summer evening and finding moths fluttering around them within minutes.

Get the Giving Code now for only ÂŁ9.99 >>

Here’s some of what you’ll discover inside this brand new book:

  • Why one non-profit with a ÂŁ900k income shrank slowly to ÂŁ300k over two decades, while another who served the same cause grew from ÂŁ100k to over ÂŁ2m in the same time frame
  • The learning - and the mistakes - I made with ÂŁ75,000 of my own money; so you don’t have to
  • How to delight your staff rather than burn them out
  • In chapter seven: all the steps that helped each of my clients grow their individual giving, on average, by 202.8% after one year
  • The key to building love and trust between you and your donors
  • What the ‘magic tap’ is that you can turn on to get a steady flow of new potential donors joining your email list
  • The way you can show scientific proof of what works and what doesn’t, so your board will find it hard to argue with your growth strategy
  • On page 61: the big mistake that institutional donors make and how it can kill your non-profit, even if all your costs are covered with some left over
  • What four things you need to have in place before donors will give, even without being asked
  • On page 23: the simple test I did that resulted in one charity doubling their income from email while spending 75% less time on it
  • In chapter two: some cool little things you can learn from how Toyota beat Ford to be the world’s biggest car company
  • The mindset change that can make this work for you even if you don’t like asking for money or help
  • The myth that big non-profits believe that stops them growing
  • A totally legal way to kick-start your fundraising investment today with thousands of pounds, even if you’re not able to get grant funding
  • What your fundraising growth has to do with the humble fart - and if one fart started a war, what could you do with better smelling tools?
  • From page 29: a one sentence tweak that earned an extra $11,600 for a small non-profit
  • Why you don’t need ‘poverty porn’ to get donors to open their wallets
  • The events of one weird weekend in Sierra Leone with two multi-millionaires, a financial adviser and the MD of a charity. And how that changed everything I thought I knew about fundraising
  • How to go with the flow of human nature, rather than against it, as failed appeals do.
  • The route to endless frustration and burn-out that some experts teach, and how to spot it
  • In chapters two and three: self-tests that will show how much staying power your non-profit has, how well you know the people who support you, how strategic you are and how far into the future you are likely to survive
  • When donors tell you “I can’t afford it”, why that’s only true in rare cases, and the six real reasons they may not want to give
  • How to find out which one of those reasons applies in your case - even if your donors are themselves unaware
  • A straight-forward method for knowing where to focus your fundraising time
  • How big funders sabotage you - and themselves - and how to get out of the downward spiral of living from grant to grant
  • The MoVA formula for attracting future super-donors
  • The gift that trolls can give you, even if they are blissfully unaware
  • Why people aren’t signing up to your email list - and how to create an ‘irresistible lure’ that will draw them in, while having fun together as a team
  • A peek inside the ‘black box’ of web agencies’ creative processes
  • Straight-forward methods for building trust between you and your supporters
  • How you can do better than big charities, even though they spend millions of pounds each year on building their brands
  • Common mistakes that scare donors silly - and easy ways to avoid them
  • In chapter four, section three: the formula that helps you know exactly how much email to send, reduce unsubscribes and increase loyalty
  • What one charity had in place that meant they were surprised out of the blue by a cheque for ÂŁ9,000 from somebody who wasn’t even on their database
  • The secrets to building compulsive giving habits among your donors
  • Why the ice bucket challenge was one of the worst things to happen to fundraising in years - and what you can learn from it
  • The key to escaping the cycle of over-work for little pay

This method works even if you don’t like talking to people about money.

You might be thinking that you’ll need to grovel, plead, and take people on guilt trips in order to grow your list and get people giving. But actually…

If you can grasp your donors’ values; if you can speak to their unspoken desires, they may even give without you asking. 

That’s why I’m so excited to be sharing this book with you today. I’m bouncing in my chair as I write this - for real.


Get the book right now
And get these 3 bonuses for free!

Bonus #1. Reusable tool:

Find the Optimum Time to Send a Fundraising Email (or OTTSAFE, for short)

Use this tool to boost your open rate, permanently. It will tell you which day of the week and which time of day are best to launch your nonprofit emails and appeals.  One size never fits all - whether it’s clothes or general email advice. This tool allows you to settle the answer to the question “When should I send emails to my list?” once and for all.

Bonus #2. Training:

Get loads more people opening your emails

Go behind the scenes of a brainstorm with non-profit communications pros. This video shows how to run an email subject line brainstorm with your colleagues. Coming up with 25 possible lines seems hard, but when you know this trick, you’ll be amazed how easy it is to reach at least 10 great choices in a matter of minutes. And you can see the cracking winners that our pros came up with. 

Bonus #3. Downloadable Template Pack:

Revive a dying list

Are you seeing open rates of 20% or less on your email list? This downloadable pack features full instructions and template emails to use that can help you reactivate 15% or more of the people on your list who’ve gone quiet. 


Here's My Guarantee:

Try the Giving Code book and all three bonuses for one whole year.

If - for any reason - you don’t find them useful I’ll refund you the full £9.99.

Just send me an email and I will refund you within seven days.

Reader Reviews


"Wow Rachel - I so enjoyed reading your book! I’m the only person whose role includes fundraising in our charity and I only work 15 hours a week,so it’s a challenge. Basically we’re starting from scratch. So I’ve used your book to come up with a cunning plan, which I’m discussing with our CEO..."

Jenny Vernon, Southern Brooks


"If regular giving is the baking of the fundraising world, Rachel Collinson is Mary Berry. This book gives you a recipe that you can follow in your own time, in your own way, with confidence. She teaches us which ingredients truly make a difference. She covers how to keep donors coming back for more. Perhaps most importantly, she gives realistic advice that large and small charities alike can apply. This is the essential regular giving guide."

Andy King, Director of Fireside Fundraising and the UK's most influential person in Fundraising (according to Civil Society Mag).


See you on the inside,

Rachel ‘Donor Whisperer’ Collinson

P.S. Recap of this ultra-long page for those who hate reading:

  1. My clients use the Values-Driven Fundraising System to double their income from individual giving within one year without needing to use poverty porn, taking their donors on guilt trips or sending out chuggers.
  2. Once you use it, you can uncover the hidden, unspoken motivations behind your donors’ giving, prove these using science, and create a ‘lure’ that will bring thousands more people like that to your door.
  3. For just £9.99 you can get the book I wrote that shows you how to do all this and more, to explode your unrestricted income. 
  4. Also, if you get the book today I’ll throw in five (FIVE!) extra bonuses - useful tools, training and templates. 
  5. You can try the book and the bonuses for one full year. If you don’t like them for any reason at all, I’ll refund you the £9.99. 

About The Author

Rachel became a donor for the first time at the tender age of 12.

Her Dad had given her a Greenpeace 'Save the Whale' poster that he got as a pull-out in his newspaper.  It was covered with finely drawn illustrations of all the different whale species under threat. She fell in love with these gentle giants and all their alien peculiarities. At least one week’s pocket money went to Greenpeace soon thereafter.

From that point on she dedicated her life to good causes. Since 1998 she’s worked with some of the biggest non-profits in the world… Oxfam, Save the Children and UNICEF, to name but a few. 

Rachel was one of a handful of people who banded together to campaign against financial institutions taking advantage of ‘the little guy’ and managed to get at least £100,000,000 worth of debt cancelled or reclaimed. Not only that, she risked jail to do so. She helped to build one of the first ever Facebook advocacy applications and was voted one of the top 50 most influential people in fundraising. 

She’s helped non-profits big and small across the globe, from Australia to Brussels and Costa Rica to Dharamshala.Â